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On July 9th, Devol officially joined Uptek, the Spanish association of technology-based companies and start-ups for advanced and digital manufacturing. This union will allow Devol to expand its technological know-how by collaborating with leading companies nationwide.

Devol was one of the first companies in Spain that opted for the automation of business processes through RPA.

This exclusive dedication to the development of advanced solutions for our customers has led us to remain at the forefront of technology. The use of the latest technologies and their application in real environments has allowed an unprecedented advance in the use of software robots for the automation of tasks in companies.

These advances have freed up thousands of working hours thanks to more than 600 automated processes. This “earned” time has helped companies of all kinds to increase their efficiency and productivity levels.

Today, the emergence of artificial intelligence is opening up new opportunities and projecting unprecedented growth. Its adoption by Devol to improve our customers’ processes responds to a trend that is set to revolutionize the way we do things.

For this and other reasons, it is so important to be part of an organization such as Uptek, which brings together more than a hundred technology companies throughout Spain.

The impact, cohesion, the sum of messages and the evolution of the sector are part of Uptek’s DNA. Among its many objectives, the main one is to transfer to the industry the good work of technology companies by facilitating access to them. In addition, they encourage collaboration and the search for common goals through working groups and collaborative activities.

For these and many other reasons, we hope that the integration of Devol in Uptek will generate synergies, participate in joint projects, share experiences, visions and knowledge and, above all, provide our customers with the most modern tools to improve their processes and increase their efficiency.