Next Tuesday, June 6, we will be holding a conference on automation A new era in business process automation at the Estrella Galicia Museum in A Coruña. It is an opportunity to learn, from the protagonists of this revolutionary technology, how automation can improve our businesses. Organized by Devol, UiPath and GAIA, the conference aims to show in the most practical way possible the benefits of business process automation. Ángel Velez CEO at Devol/ Inlog will share is long tech and business experience.
The most complete day on automation in A Coruña
During the event we will learn how Artificial Intelligence is impacting businesses around the world and how its integration with automation is set to be a revolution. We will discover how to extract value from interactions with our customers and what are the key aspects of process automation.
Case studies to learn about real applications
The automation conference in A Coruña will allow us to understand the benefits generated by the automation of business processes by getting to know them first hand. Thanks to the personal experiences of managers of important companies, we will learn about the success stories that the automation of purchasing management, the automation of sales forecasting or the automation of the public sector have meant for their managers.
Top-level speakers who will share their experiences
The development of the day will have managers of important companies that will transmit their experiences and assessments on what process automation has meant for their companies. Among the speakers will be Aurora Díez, from UiPath; Miguel Ángel Blanco, from Devol; Patricia Rodríguez, from GAM Rentals; Fernando Suárez, from the Diputación de Ourense; or Iñaki Ibarrondo, from Eroski.