Innovation and technology for health, beyond AI


Iñigo Sanz



Felipe Rebollo

Sales manager


Juan Carlos Santamaría

Communication manager


Isaac Arias

Assistant manager, corporate center


Antonio Muiña

Dir. care management and digital transformation

Cigna Healthcare

Carlos Recio



Elena Torrente

Digital health director

Grupo DKV

Gonzalo López

Business developer manager for digital health and biomedical technologies


Iñigo Garatxena



Tomás Trenor

Dir. data and analytics


Pedro Díaz

Chief Executive Officer


Carlos Ansareo

Innovation and intra-entrepreneurship expert

Carlos Battyán

Technology consultant and health expert

Adrián Gómez-Aleixandre

Assistant manager engineering and procurement department north zone


Francisco Moreira

Managing director

Digital tech events

Madrid – 5/29/2024

The conference, held at the headquarters of the ICAI Association of Engineers Association of Madrid, revolved around two round tables in which views were shared on how technology is revolutionizing the healthcare system.

After the introduction and presentation by Iñigo Sanz, member and professor of ICAI and Business developer manager of Iberospec environmental technologies, the two round tables began.

In the first, focused on technology for health, interesting concepts were presented, such as the fact that technology should be considered as a lever that provides solutions to solve problems, showing that it is impossible for the health system to survive without technology.

It was also explained how, at present, there are already programs capable of detecting cognitive deterioration in a patient by means of a simple telephone call or of detecting melanomas that the human eye is unable to identify.

In this block there was a demo of the Idrus voice assistant system for personalized telephone attention, which demonstrated live how to make an appointment in a hospital using natural language.

The second round table focused on healthcare beyond AI. This round table showed that Artificial Intelligence is going to revolutionize the healthcare system with its new applications..

Emphasis was placed on the need for the technology to become transparent to the user, so that it does not pose a barrier or challenge.

Finally, there was a discussion on how technology can help companies and individuals by reducing, for example, the high rates of absenteeism that are occurring in some territories, such as the Basque Country.

At the end of the day, the thirty or so attendees joined the speakers in a networking space where they enjoyed an aperitif.


Welcome and introduction
Iñigo Sanz
Member/Professor ICAl

Business developer manager Iberospec environmental technologies

Round table: Technology for health
Moderated by Felipe Rebollo
Sales manager Devol RPA

Juan Carlos Santamaría
Communication manager Inithealth (Grupo Init)

Isaac Arias
Assistant manager, corporate center zone Viamed

Antonio Muiña
Director of care management and digital transformation Cigma Healthcare

Carlos Recio
Manager Idrus

Elena Torrente
Digital health director Grupo DKV

Francisco Moreira
Managing director Digital tech events

Round table: Health beyond IA
Moderated by Gonzalo López
Business developer manager for digital health and biomedical technologies Vicomtech

Iñigo Garatxena
CEO Absentix

Tomás Trenor
Director of Data and Analytics Sanitas

Pedro Díaz
Chief Executive Officer Savia

Carlos Ansareo
Innovation and intra-entrepreneurship expert

Carlos Battyán
Technology consultant and health expert

Adrián Gómez-Aleixandre
Assistant manager, engineering and procurement department north zone Viamed


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